Suffering from EMF sensitivity is painful

Life is challenging (and painful) when you’re sensitive to electromagnetic frequencies and magnetic fields, and it seems like there’s no escape. No matter where you go, you’re getting bombarded by wireless networks, smart meters, and connected IoT devices like smartphones, tablets, laptops, and even smart household appliances.

Just going to a doctor’s appointment or the gym can be debilitating. Since most businesses provide free Wi-Fi, when you visit a business complex, you might get bombarded by 20-30 wireless networks at once.

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Here are 12 signs that you’re EMF sensitive:

1. You get headaches around wireless devices and/or Wi-Fi

It seems as though the majority of EMF-sensitive individuals report getting headaches around wireless devices like cellphones and routers. Some people even report a burning sensation in their skull and throughout their whole body.

2. You have trouble breathing around Wi-Fi and smart meters

Countless people report having trouble breathing around Wi-Fi and after having a smart meter installed. It’s most likely caused by the frequencies interfering with the heart’s natural rhythm.

There are two main ways people experience EMF-induced breathing difficulties. Some people feel like they have intense pressure on their chest, while others feel like they can’t take a full breath. These symptoms can go on for hours, weeks, and even months when the person experiences constant exposure.

If you experience difficulty breathing when you’re around smart meters, Wi-Fi, smartphones, or any other device, click here for the solution.

3. You feel electricity in your body (and it’s painful)

Many EMF-sensitive people report feeling as if electricity is moving through their body with enough voltage to cause pain. This is commonly experienced in the skull, around the face, and even through the genitals and anus.

4. When you fly, your face feels electrocuted at takeoff

The EMFs emitted by airplanes at takeoff are massively powerful. A small number of EMF-sensitive individuals say they feel as if their face and forehead is being electrocuted at takeoff. Doctors often misdiagnose this as a condition called “trigeminal neuralgia” because the symptoms are the same.

After an episode is triggered by EMFs, it can take hours or days for the pain to go away. Someone who is affected like this cannot touch their face for sometimes days after without re-triggering a series of debilitating electrical shocks.

5. You start gagging uncontrollably for no apparent reason

For some reason, EMFs can trigger a gag reflex. Not everyone experiences this, but many do, and it often comes without nausea.

6. Coughing sometimes feels like you’ve inhaled too much smoke

The coughing induced by EMF-sensitivity feels different from regular coughing. It’s more of a dry cough, there isn’t usually any phlegm, and the feeling is a burning sensation like you feel when you inhale smoke that triggers you to cough.

7. You get blurred vision around wireless devices

EMFs are notorious for causing blurred vision. This is one of the most common symptoms of EMF-sensitivity.

8. Your heart beats rapidly or too slowly for no apparent reason

If you don’t have AFIB and your heart starts beating too fast or too slow, this is a sign of EMF-sensitivity. EMFs affect the heart’s natural electrical rhythm.

9. You get dizzy, black out, or lose consciousness around wireless devices and Wi-Fi

Feeling dizzy and passing out isn’t too common, but it’s common enough that it’s been reported by many EMF-sensitive people. Some people get dizzy from smart meters, while others only experience dizziness when they get close to their router.

10. Your whole body aches around wireless devices and Wi-Fi

Wireless signals commonly cause chronic pain in the body where all of your muscles become sore. Sometimes it’s your whole body and other times it’s just your upper body or legs. Many people diagnosed with fibromyalgia experience relief when reducing or eliminating their exposure to EMFs.

11. You experience extreme fatigue

EMFs will zap your energy. If you’re feeling constantly fatigued, this is a sign that your devices and other exposure to EMFs could be the culprit. Waking up exhausted every day is a sign that you’re likely being impacted by EMFs while you sleep.

12. You suffer from insomnia or poor sleep

EMFs can cause massive sleep disturbances that can lead to sleep deprivation. Just because you’re getting 8 hours of sleep each night doesn’t mean you’re well-rested. In fact, you can be sleep-deprived and still get 12 hours of sleep a night. The deprivation comes from a lack of deep, quality sleep.

Since EMFs impact the human body more intensely during sleep, it’s common for EMF-sensitive individuals to experience insomnia, sleep deprivation, and other sleep problems.